FIBA Coaching Course Dairies
REBOUND Special Report : Coaching Course Diaries
REBOUND hits the road again with another exclusive. For the next eight days be assured of exclusive, detailed daily updates of the FIBA module 1 coaching course being held in Accra. Watch out for stories, photos and some interviews as the days go by. All I can say right now is "Welcome to the class".

Day 1
Most of the eighteen participants arrived for the first day before the scheduled 9am(something I was personally impressed with, considering how we as Ghanaians deal with appointments). The day was used as an introduction and orientation day for the facilitator and participants alike.REBOUND hits the road again with another exclusive. For the next eight days be assured of exclusive, detailed daily updates of the FIBA module 1 coaching course being held in Accra. Watch out for stories, photos and some interviews as the days go by. All I can say right now is "Welcome to the class".

Day 1
The course has a 60-hour FIBA recommendation and is supposed to teach young people usually under the age of 35 how to coach mini-basketball(kids between 8-12 yrs).
The day started with a prayer by Mr. Prosper Agbleta(coach of Reformers basketball, GABBA secretary and GBBA treasurer) after which participants took turns to introduce themselves. Mr. Lancinet Keita Kabassan then took time to tell his class a bit about himself and the course they are about to take. Coach Lawal Perigrino Brimah, head coach of CEPS and local facilitator for the course then took participants through the course outline.
He made it clear that no real tests are going to be taken at the end of the course but participants will be accessed during the course. Some of the things he will look out for are punctuality, contribution in class and performance of on-court practicals.
Each participant is also to receive a copy of the book "BASKETBALL FOR YOUNG PLAYERS" which is to be used as the textbook for the 8-day course. According to FIBA, the was book written with the help of several experts with various professional backgrounds, including psychology, sports psychology, physical education and law. All of whom have extensive experience working as basketball coaches of young players.
Participants and the facilitator then agreed on the following schedule:
Saturday, 6th November @ Ohene Djan Stadium Media Center, Osu
9am-10:30am-first session
10:30-11:00- break
11:00-12:30- second session
12:30-1:00- break
1:00-2:00-final session
Monday 8th November - Friday 12th November @ Latter Day Saints West Africa HQ, Ridge.
1:00pm-3:30pm -first session(classroom work)
3:30-4:00pm - break
4:00pm - 6:00pm - second session(practicals)