FIBA Coaching Course Diaries
Coaching Course Diaries
Day 5
I arrived late at class because I was at the Greater Accra RSDO evaluation meeting.
Day 5 was a special day, the first part of which was used to hold the official opening ceremony for the course. This was due to the absence of some of the GBBA and GABBA executives who spent the weekend in Abidjan with the female national team.
Present were Mr. Agrah(the C.E.O of the N.S.C) who left the RSDO meeting to participate in the ceremony on a very short notice, Mr. Sarpei (secretary-genaral for the GBBA to the NSC) was the MC for the appreciably short occasion having already sat through a longer one earlier, I was quite pleased and several members of the Ghana basketball family.
Vice president of the GBBA, Iddrisu Gamel mentioned a shortspeech his appreciation to the sports council for helping the GBBA pay its affiliation fees to FIBA, a debt that was long standing until the arrival of Mr. Agrah as C.E.O.
Mr.Keita Kabassan, then took the floor and delivered a speech on behalf of the president of FIBA-Afriqe, Mr. Jose Luis Saez. He mentioned among a few things that, the African basketball governing body seek to help Ghana to develop and train coaches in the next 3-4 years. He told coaches taking the course also that, he is not here to impose any specific methods onto them but serve as a guide for them to be better coaches. He ended by saying coaches should always remember; "they're the bosses on the court".
Mr. Agrah took his trun to address the gathering. He started by thanking the LSC for giving the out their facility to be used for the course and entailed participants to to take full advantage of the course and learn the most from Mr. Keita.
A presentation of 100 rubber basketballs, 15 leather basketballs and copies of the book "basketball for young players" was made to the GBBA by Mr.Keita on behalf of FIBA-Afrique.

Mr. Keita presenting balls and books to Mr. Agrah
The media and quests took leave of us and class resumed after about 5 minutes break.
The instructor took the class through chapter 2 of the course book, which was on the planning of basketball activities. He talked extensively on the subject for about 30 minutes and involved the class in discussions as usual. The class went on a break as we waited for the kids to come in for the day's practical session.

evaluation time
Kids arrived and another group of participants took their turn at the practical session. The whole class sat together again to evaluate their colleagues performance. The class spent some 12 minutes talking after which Mr. Keita moved to the next topic which was how to introduce kids to 1 on 1 offense. After a few minutes he asked for some members of the class to volunteer and try out a practical session with the kids. The group 3 (Meme, Isaac and Feranmi) took the kids through some basics needed to be able to play 1 on 1 ball.The group led by Isaac, took the kids through moving and stopping without the ball, pivoting, keeping eyes on the target, ball faking and dribbling, topping and pivoting with the ball while keeping eyes on the hoop.
