Accra Leaugue; A Sad Start!

1:06 AM Unknown 2 Comments

The 2012 edition of the Accra Basketball League started today with two matches at the Lebanon House in Tudu.

Yes, Sky Walker had 16pts, 7rbds, 3stls and a block in his first game for Police and Zaaku led all scorers with 19. In the D2 game, Herbert Diabas came off the bench to hit 18pts to lead Yotive to their first win against a refurbished Fire team. But forget game reviews for now.

I was sad. The only reason some of us keep coming back to this league is because of the extra love we have for the game and the passion that drives us to see it develop in this country of ours. I remain sad.

How can the opening day of a league that needs so much development not see any type of ceremony whatsoever? What happened to our sense of pride and national anthem? How come somebody will have to ask what is going on before being educated it's an Accra League match he's watching. This is 2012, what happened to banners, posters, flyers, notice boards and branding. When a stranger walks to any league venue he should know where he is and what's going without asking.

Sometimes, one is forced to ask if our leaders have any sort of plan/aim they're following or hope to achieve. Everything seems so random and adhoc. How can a team that was relegated still remain in D1 because another team opted out? Is there a written rule to that? Too many things happen so many times too randomly. Somebody needs to be held accountable!

Maybe, I am the only one not seeing the work being put in. Even if so, how on earth should one of the most exciting teams to watch in the league opt out of playing and the league doesn't consider any means of helping them to sustain their organization. Cape Coast Hoops opting out should have sparked a lot of thinking, planning and action from our leaders to bring some drastic changes into the way the league is ran considering its amateur nature and also it being the only league in this country.

I continue to remain sad when for the past 20 years or more, all the basketball that has been played in this league has not expanded beyond two venues. Currently one of the venues is more of a car park than a basketball court and its obvious we'll have to move out soon. How do we hope to be "developing the game" as our leaders often say when asked about an action taken. A league that has most of its fans being players is in no way "developing the game" no matter the definition one gives for "developing the game".

I remain sad; shout outs to coach Keita Kabassan, the coaching instructor from Guinea who took a handful of coaches through the FIBA module I and II courses in the last two years. He asks a lot of questions that spark thinking, but mine and coach friend of mine's favorite remains; are you learning?, if you are not watching the NBA where are you learning from? Can somebody please ask our leaders that question for me? Nowadays one can't afford but to be well equipped with information in whatever field he is. If you've watched the all star game organized in the Philippines during the NBA lock-out you know what am talking about.

I can continue this rant all day, but like many other things done around our ball game, will it yield any results?

This is a very sad me writing, but "developing the game" is an achievable feat. You, me , our leaders everybody needs to sit think, plan and act with a purpose towards a greater goal. It is possible, Impossible is Nothing!

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    1. Thanks for leting the cat outta the bag... its about time we start doing things right, we take important issues for granted in GH basketball, no first aid, electronic scoreboards, medical examinations etc. I think we got a long way to go.
      by Igwe Addison.

    2. Instead of leadership setting achievable corporate goals for the game. They go seat and is all about brainstorming to re-event the wheels of Basketball and interpreting policies upside down.

      Rather for them putting together proposal with prospect and good bottom line they turn around and blame referees. Let them keep blaming.

      Quiet creative people are in and out of Basketball ready to do great and marvelous things for basketball.
