Referees Wanted!
1:27 PM
1:27 PM Ellis 1 Comments
Mini Q & A with Referee Gasu
Gh basketball could use a couple more people like this me!
RGH followed up on the wall post he dropped our facebook page. It read like "Why is everybody shying away from basketball officiating? The Referees' Association badly needs a fresh injection of personnel and commitment!" and drew a couple of interesting suggestions.Gh basketball could use a couple more people like this me!

So I called up Gasu to further explain what exactly he meant in the post(yea, I know it was as simple as it could be, but who knows, he might have meant more).
He started by describing how he himself got into officiating. "Certain things should have been institutionalized long ago, but as you know, our system is not the best and many of those things do not happen. So for some us when we wanted to be referees, we were taken through training by Mr. Iddrisu Gamel before we were made to start officiating. Along the way through our own initiative and interest in acquisition of more knowledge about the game we regularly read material from the internet and other sources."
When asked if he made the statement because of any impending referee course, he responded by saying that it was a personal initiative; which he knows his chairman will applaud. He went on to say that any interested person should apply to the referees association and he will personally aid the person through all processes that are required to make one a part of them. "We need new guys to inject some sought of competition among the refs, so that it becomes like it's done in soccer and other sports, if you do not perform well as a referee, you are not given any games to officiate. There's a lot of complacency among the refs because they realize there are no other options but them".
If interested why don't you pick a phone and call referee Gasu on 024 3835148 or find him on facebook as!/bquarmyne or follow the refs on!/pages/Basketball-Referees-Ghana/215237911848598

oh rebound no news on yesterday's game. What happened? who won n who lost? we wanna know.