Off Season Chronicles

8:37 AM Ellis 2 Comments

Yea, like it or hate it the off season with all its issues(player movements especially) are here with us. After about six months of exciting but stressful competition(five months regular season and another 12 days of Thome Cabalan), everybody definitely needs a rest.

From the players, to the coaches, to the officials and even fans(I know lots of you wont agree because you wish there was all year round basketball). Everybody does take a rest or a vacation from their jobs once in while even if its not regular. But for us in the sports world, the off season should be more than a rest period.

I have been reading around trying to gather some information about what exactly we could do to help make us better for next season. This is going to be a three part article. For the next three days we see what players, coaches and officials are supposed to do in the off season to make them better for the next season. Remember, lots of comments are welcome.

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