6:45 PM Ellis 3 Comments


To put it simple, everybody was surprised. Many of the fans at the game still held the believe that TY would win this game even in the last minute only to witness the biggest upset of the season.C.Y.O harassed TY at the low post very well

It was a game of strength, athleticism and well structured play versus undersized, determination, will to win and a very fundamental game. C.Y.O played the most fundamental game one could think of making very good use their quickness on most of the runs. Most of C.Y.O's players just stood to the occasion playing vital roles on the road to the win. Both starters and subs came into the game with the same positive attitude to pull the surprise. Rasta, Sarfo and Onana were just on fire for C.Y.O.

The truth is Tema Youth didn't play bad, they played very good basketball but they over stuck to their offensive play which involve a lot of post up game. But then C.Y.O was playing zone defense so there was no way posting up would have helped the situation. A lot of ball movement and shooting would have helped to them to open up the C.Y.O defense.

C.Y.O led the first and second quarters. TY was then able to square at 54 at the end of the third quarter. TY failed to take advantage of the draw and C.Y.O broke away again leaving TY to rather try to catch up to everybody's amazement.TY then got into foul trouble with four of their starters fouling out at crunch time.

Then came the daily match day saga of complaints of poor officiating (watch out for a feature on officiating soon)

But after all said and done "Amazing Happened in Gh Basketball"

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    1. for this upset, i have arrange cyo to get a fresh set of jerseys hopefully end of month or early june...keep it up

    2. hmmm don't remember reading this earlier.This hoops dude is some real tactless dude.Why the hell would you brodcast to the whole world that your helping them out.Making them look like some charity case(not like they need help with that.Dude you efforts where good but also very CLASSLESSS

    3. haha, u a class act...wats wrong in makin one know they gonna get a donation...why does NBA Cares make so much media coverage on who to donate to or project they support, stop the hate, u aint in my league. This gesture is necessary to show that we in the league dont always have to wait on sponsors, we can help each other, so we the trail blazers for others to follow, we could had taken that jersy but we have 3 sets already, wats wrong with sharing n letting others know so they do same....get ur act right, Mr. Hidin-under-name-street-is-watchin
