Talk of Referees; chairman's remarks

10:03 AM Ellis 2 Comments

Just as expected, the issue of officiating came up again at the GABBA meeting held last Friday at Lebanon House. Some coaches and players as usual blamed officials for most of the mishaps on the courts.

GABBA chairman was of a different opinion.

He blamed the coaches, a side he seemed to be on alone. "The coaches need to be more professional in their activities and also make a conscious effort to educate their players about good behaviour during games rather than coming into games and starting arguments with referees" he said.

Mr.Baafi went on to remind the house that the Ghana basketball Association will soon hold a referees course for new referees to be trained and hold a refresher course for the existing ones.

When asked about the referees' course held at Burma Camp, he pointed out the fact that most of the guys went through the course to get the merit for promotions and not to really take up the task and provide their much needed service.

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  1. When are people going to stop using basketball for their own ego. Why take a course and not implement. Do we say the same for the FIBA Coaching course that all those who went through are yet to have children benefit from it? Is the GBBA upcoming course an Accra only affair again? Why us coaches been blame for failures not relating to us? So many questions, yet fewer answers. Keep it up RGH for giving these platforms for random thoughts.

  2. Well I must say that thre REF are quite horrible sometimes but the coaches don't help matters...some real crap going on.
