History's been made

8:52 PM Ellis 2 Comments

Once again, I have to apologise for a post that has kept too long in coming. I know by now most guys are wondering whether we even deserve the "Ghana's no. 1 source of basketball information'' tag we've given ourselves. But this is bound to happen when a few guys have to play so many roles at a go. Trying to be ESPN, Atiba Jefferson, getty images, run a mini-Guggenheim and be Spike Lee at the same time. Yours truly had to make sure the PAINT was running, photos shoots were going on, the video guys didn't have any problems and also just make sure everybody played their role on the day after an already hectic prior 7 days to the event.

Enough of the REBOUND talk, now to the issue at hand.

Like it or not, histroy has been made! The first ever All Star / Awards day of any kind has been held by the GABBA on Ghanaian soil and I am very sorry if u think this write up will be a game recap, remember what I said before the day? Don't miss it! fact is I didn't even get time to sit down to watch any of the games. So if you want a game recap, you better be patient and hope the REBOUND tech/multimedia dep't finish up the video in time so you and I can get a glimpse of what happened on the court.

I was asked by a close basketball friend about how well I think the organizers did in putting this event together. He actually gave them a 75%. Do you think the event was well organized?. I think they did well but as is usually written on report cards, there's a lot of room for improvement. The Ghanaian thing happened and the event started late. The juniors' games started about half an hour late which resulted in the entire program running late and the eventual cancellation of the mens' slam dunk contest which was something highly anticipated by the fans present. but then, all the games were played without any hitch and awards were also given out as planned.

I've personally watched games at Lebanon House which drew much thicker crowds. A very good example is this year's Thome Cabalan, which had the stands at Lebanon House filled most of the time. Considering the fact that the organizers spent good time on a couple of radio and TV programs to advertise this event, I think something went wrong somewhere. Either the concept of spending the day watching basketball with friends and family hasn't gone down with the capital's dwellers or is it because it was a free gate event?....to be continued